Step 1 - Please submit a formal letter of Invitation on church/ministry letterhead and fax or mail to:
Attn: Elder Michele Simms
Kingdom Life International Ministries
3 Kirby Lane
Annapolis, MD 21401
410-573-1698 Fax
443-889-1788 Phone
- Please include the dates, times and type of event you are hosting.
- Please include the contact person's name, phone/fax and email address.
- Only Letters of Invitation by mail or fax will be accepted. (No emails please).
- All responses to letters of Invitation will be handled via phone or email.
Step 2 - Please include the following info in your Letter of Invitation.
- Church/Organization Name
- Requested Date
- Time of Event
- Time Allotted for Pastor Rodney
- The Name of the Pastor
- How long has Ministry/Organization been in existence?
- Where will the event be held?
- What is the expected attendance?
- Is there a registration fee?
- What type of event is it?
- Please provide a list of speakers/psalmist for the event.
The submission form is not considered a formal invitation. Please complete and submit the required information.
Thank You,
KLIM Staff