Soul'd Out Sisters Women's Ministry
Soul'd Out Sisters is a Christ-centered multicultural bible fellowship and book club.
Our Mission:
To provide a safe haven where women are exhorted to know God more intimately: to become set free from unnecessary bondages and burdens, to bring balance and peace into our lives, and to experience the supernatural manifestation of salvation and grace through the power Jesus Christ.
Our Connection:
To connect in unity with women of all walks of life through christian fellowship.
To love without judgement and share our stories of hope and faith.
To serve each other and the community.
To develop a deeper understanding of faith through prayer, study and fasting.
To use our resources for the advancement of the kingdom.
Our Objectives:
To evangelize and win the lost for the kingdom.
To make it known that god has a plan for your life and to discover it.
To empower women to be all they can be in Christ and more.
To break additions, strongholds, emotional bondage, and low self-esteem.
To love you as Christ loves us.